MRI - Micro Raman Identification
Product description
The MRI (Micro Raman Identification) is a compact and modularized micro Raman system that allows for easy laser swapping with different wavelengths and user optimization of the optical path. This design, granted Taiwan invention patents (I570402, I593953) and a US utility patent (US 10,247,674 B2), enables Raman measurements at flexible angles and in difficult positions.
The MRI system can seamlessly integrate with STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy), making it ideal for Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS) applications. The tip apex of STM creates a hotspot that offers strong signal enhancement without interfering with the excitation light. This high flexibility and compatibility allow for enhanced chemical imaging resolution at the level of tens of nanometers, offering a wide range of applications in semiconductor, advanced materials, and life sciences, including biological or protein-based samples, bacteria, and viruses.
SMA905 fiber interface for seamless connection
The MRID system is inbuilt with two lasers of your selected wavelengths at 375, 405, 473, 532, 633, 785, 808, and 830 nm, based on your needs for either Raman or Photoluminescence spectroscopy. The micro design lasers are made by highly reliable RGB Lasersystems.
• Our basic transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM00) offers excellent beam quality. The most commonly seen 532-nm laser beam size is approximately 2-3 μm on the sample surface through a 100X objective lens. Available objective lenses include 10X, 40X, 50X, 100X, etc.
• Spectral range is customizable. With the use of a high-performance edge filter cut off at 50 cm-1, the resulting resolution is 1.8 cm-1 for the spectral range of 79 ~ 3500 cm-1 or 1.3 cm-1 for the range of 79 ~ 2100 cm-1.
Optional Features
Advanced Raman mapping feature, with the XY motorized stage
Advanced Raman mapping feature, with the XY
motorized stage
• 75 X 50 mm or 100 X 100 mm
• Resolution 0.01 μm (smallest step size)@XY
• Resolution typical 0,002 μm @Z
• Depend on the weight of sample
ND control : User-input & frequentiy used transmission
Laser power output could be directly controlled by software, at 1 mW/step for RGB Laser systems, one of the major laser brands used in MRID. In addition, laser power could be reduced by a round continuously variable neutral density filter (O.D 2.0~0.04) that is also controlled by software with high precision.
ND control
User-input & frequentiy used transmission
Laser control
User input,1mW/step